
Bible Reading Resources

Bible Reading Plan

Regularly reading the Bible is an important aspect of growing in faith for all Christians. Developing this habit isn't always easy, but having a structured plan is a great way to begin. When using this plan, you will read the the highlights of the Bible and work to memorize verses each week. Additionally, the 5-day schedule provides two extra days to reflect on what you’ve read or catch up.

The Bible Project Videos

Click here to visit The Bible Project Website

The Bible Project is a wonderful resource to accompany regular Bible reading. This organization has created a series of short animated videos that explain the overarching structure and themes of each individual book of the Bible. Sometimes we read parts of the Bible and it is a challenge to understand what is going on, how it fits into the big story of Scripture, and what we are supposed to learn! This resource clearly shows you the flow of the book and explains the major theological point. By taking a few minutes to watch these videos, you will be more equipped to understand what you are reading. Visit and you will find The Old Testament and New Testament videos about halfway down the page. To get a preview, watch the video of Luke 1-9 below.